about Edens harvest

hello, i’m Lyne…

So what can i tell you…

From as far back as i can remember, i always wanted to be a florist. Having my own imaginary shop on the garden path, by the washing line, selling my imaginary flower bunches wrapped in green checked paper, to happy customers.

After working in a Hertfordshire florist at 15 (leaving quite quickly as the wedding room was spooky!)

Working in various garden centres and nurseries, alongside going to college to learn more about plants and how to keep them happy!

And then years of veg growing, with a bit of flowers added in as well, I decided to follow my dreams…

Then we added bees….

When it became clear about 13 years ago to us that honeybees were struggling, it seemed like a good idea to look into getting a hive…

We got 3!

Go big or go home….

And so after learning quickly and on the job, adding honey to everything we could eat.. Carrots, Cake, Porridge, Toast and Crumpets…

We began to think that there must be a way we could use the leftover beeswax each season….

So what came next?

Making beeswax candles.

I decided candles were clearly easier to make than soap…right?

Not completely true, what came next was 4 years of trials, tears and small triumphs.

Eventually after so many, many attempts to make a beeswax candle that would hold its scent how i wanted it too.

Finally I got a breakthrough!

I wanted my candles to burn well, look beautiful and most importantly be able to fragrance a room strongly, but gently… and that first Apple candle did exactly that.

And now….

Today we have 14 beehives, across 4 locations

I have begun to grow my beautiful flowers on a 2.5 acre field in rural Hertfordshire.

And so the circle of Edens Harvest begins….

I sow the seeds and look after the plants, with lots of love and care as they grow. Their flowers help to feed our honeybees who can then make honey and wax. Then I cut the flowers to make beautiful bouquets for you, the plant grows more flowers, goes to seed and the cycle begins again.

What does more land mean for Edens Harvest?

Well, only good things…

It means i can grow more varieties of beautiful cottage garden flowers to help feed our ladies and give you more of a sustainable, flowery, British floral choice for your weddings, events, bouquets and bunches.

It means our buzzy ladies can produce more beeswax and i can make more gorgeous, natural candles to help wake you up and focus in the morning and relax you at night.

Want to join me for this exciting journey?

I would love to have you along..

Hop in,

Lets go…